My first “real” blog (i.e., one in which I’m not just re-posting someone else’s brilliant information). This won’t be long and boring as I don’t like writing for lengths at a time and don’t expect others to want to read multiple paragraphs, but I figure it’s about time I begin a personal blog to capture my crazy journey in health and life. As much as I would like to think of myself as a woman of iron-like strength and will, I have to admit, I’m not. Shocker! Like most peeps in life, I need a li’l accountability now and then. My hope is that this blog will push me into that “gotta keep it real” mindset (gasp)! Plus, it gives me the avenue to pass along funny and thoughtful observations or kernels of wisdom that I learn from others. And if I end up being the only one to read my words, hey, I can still benefit from this exercise. Exercise.. what a great word to segue into my first confession: I over-train! Ack! There it is, I said it in black and white. It’s not like I over-train my body ALL the time mind you (spoken like a true addict), but apparently I did so this past year. Maybe racing three major USAT National Qualifying races in 4 weeks was a little over-kill, but I did it, and now my body is physically suffering for it (inject here: I qualified for Nationals in all 3 races, woohoo!). But back to hard reality: my sports doc called today with results from blood tests taken last week in his office (he’s awesome, btw, if anyone needs a super-duper sports med doc in Charlotte, NC). Apparently, there’s a little bitty protein in my body that I am dangerously low on for my activity level. Coupled with some other results and having seen me in his office for multiple muscular issues as of late (an entirely different blog), he said to me calmly, “you are, what they call, ‘over-training’ or ‘over-reaching’,” and then he asked in all quiet seriousness, “have you ever heard of that before?” Bahahahahaha.. have I HEARD of that? I think my hubby, mother, friends and even my dog have questioned me about being guilty of such for, oh I don’t know, a year or more? My answer was always a shake of the head and a quick, “Don’t worry. I’m really not doing too much,” but I never knew there was a protein in my body that could actually tattle on me! Gulp. So as I enter this triathlon off-season with a tear in my left calf, tendinopathy in my right glute medius and minimus, impingement and possibly a labrum tear in my right shoulder, and just a few other minor pains, I am reminded that I have over-trained my body by a tiny protein! Hmph. This morning I did strength training for an hour on chest and arms and later rode a recumbent bike for an hour in zones 2-3. I’m going to back off the intensity in training to mostly zone 2 and let my body heal. Or so I am really going to make the attempt. I need this written and read for accountability. I know myself. Just sayin’.