Gotta love it when your clients make you train yourself harder. I just trained a client whom I pushed to lift heavier weights than what she thought possible, which caused her to grunt, breathe hard and complain a little. I looked at her after she completed her SECOND set and said, “Steph, sometimes it just
A great article and one to read entirely through. Sadly, too many people will simply snuff at this and go on with eating fast food and drinking fountain soda, and then later in life get very very sick and wonder “why me?” So much cancer and disease can be prevented or reversed if only people
Don’t forget, Friday February 7th, #CarolinaBodyMetrics is coming to #studio1_on_1 with the #BodPod. Measurements take less than 15 minutes and are extremely accurate. Make your appointment today by sending an email to [email protected]. To read the benefits, click here.
Only 16 days in, and I am thrilled to report, Studio 1-ON-1 clients have proven their determination to meet their fitness goals. We have experienced an incredible start to the new year. Stephanie, MJ, Hayah and Tom are now 2 weeks into their 365 days of exercise, and they are lookin’ strong. Hannah bench pressed
So you’ve started strong in the new year with your individual exercise challenge but realize at times you need just a little more support. That’s why you have a built in support system at Studio 1-ON-1. Join us in our “Exercise Every Day” 2014 Fitness Challenge. Just a little bit of put-your-mind-to-it exercise and you
Recently, I’ve been asked by clients what cookbooks I typically use for my delicious recipes. I can rattle off the name of three very quickly: #1) Clean Food by Terry Walters. This is a masterpiece! I love how Terry writes quick descriptions about each recipe she shares and every one is simple and oh so